One-to-one Oxbridge Mentoring Programme

Our Oxbridge Mentoring Programme runs one-to-one online academic mentoring. Students will be introduced to university level thinking and learning, creative reasoning, problem-solving and essay frameworks for academic excellence, useful for school studies. In addition, students will explore topics encountered in the first year of their intended degree and undertake super curricular to provide achievements that can be mentioned in their university personal statements. Replicating Oxford and Cambridge discussions will also hone self-expression and informed opinions, useful preparation for admissions interviews.

5 Reasons to join

✓ Learn Oxford and Cambridge style thinking & learning​.

✓ Learn and apply frameworks for essays & creative problem-​solving that can be used to master school studies and exams​.

✓ Introduction to university level concepts and topics, which can  be incorporated into your answers for school coursework & exams​.

✓ Recommended wider reader & super-curricular activities to explore degree subject to write a stand-out personal statement​.

✓ Understand how to express yourself with impact for university admissions interviews.

A sample of a timetable

(Tailored to individual students)

For more queries, further information or booking, please click on the button below.